Health Restoration Successes — Digestive Problems



In 1985 I saw a neurologist for atrophy in my left side, balance problems, and fatigue. I was diagnosed with having MS. My treatment consisted of yearly exams. In 1989 an MRI showed I didn’t have MS, but the doctor didn’t know what I did have. I also had irritable bowel syndrome, and in 1991 I had to quit my job as a kindergarten teacher. I began seeing Dr. Maulfair this past September. He offered no “magic cures” - only a promise to make me the best I could be health-wise. My fatigue and digestion problems have improved to the point that I can now eat all the fruits and veggies I want, and I’m now working part-time.

S. P.



My old doctor put me on cholesterol and blood pressure medication for years. I had problems with getting tired or “winded” during normal outdoor exercise. I got frequent indigestion and constipation. I had two to three colds per year with more frequent ear problems. I am now off of the medication and haven’t had a cold. My “pep” is back, indigestion is infrequent and bowel movements are good. I have being doing this for 14 months and have had 34 chelation treatments. I plan to continue this indefinitely and have given literature to about 6 other people.




After what seemed to be a bad cold with no relief from prescription drugs I came to the Maulfair Medical Center. I found a friendly caring staff ready to help me. Tests indicated I had some allergies and yeast infection. This was possibly causing the headaches, coughing, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Dr. Maulfair had a diet and supplements prescribed for me which I followed carefully. The headaches soon lessoned then vanished along with other
symptoms I had had for years like irritable bowel syndrome. I appreciate a health care facility that embraces total health practices using alternative solutions. God bless you!




Celiac Disease. I never heard of it before being diagnosed by a digestive disease doctor. I was told to follow a wheat and gluten free diet. After 4 months had passed I was still having symptoms. After seeing Dr. Maulfair he ordered more in depth studies and found I had many food intolerances and an overgrowth of yeast. After following the prescribed diet, I have been symptom free since following the plan of treatment which included diet, IV treatments (intravenous treatments) and supplements. After 8 weeks my energy level returned and I don’t have to worry about staying close to a restroom wherever I go. I’ve been very pleased with the treatment from the Maulfair Medical Center. Thank you.




I wanted to take a moment to collect my thoughts and send them to you. When I initially sought your help I was suffering from chronic sinus infections, irregularity, constipation, heartburn, general gastrointestinal discomfort, excessive hair loss, rings under my eyes, earaches, trouble breathing, trouble focusing and extreme exhaustion. I slept all the time. I had watched these symptoms progress over many years…and they were my daily state for over 6 years. Then I met you. I had tried everything I could think of to this point and nothing really worked very long term. Your battery of tests was unique and highly efficient because you actually did identify the sources of my physical condition. The infusions and hydrogen peroxide treatments were supportive of the general diet, cleanse, vitamin program you put me on. I have over time made slight modifications based on my systemic responses. To that I added massage, exercise and quality personal time. I have not wavered from this program though our sessions to date. Results: All my symptoms have vanished. I have been working at 100% capacity for over a year while becoming stronger and expanding my capacity as I grow. As a performer I am able to do far more strenuous things than I was able for years. As a teacher I am much more focused. My mood has become much more up beat. Any time a symptom appears I can identify the food that triggered it. I have control over my life in this way. So, you have provided me the tools for my personal health and freedom for that I can only say thank you…just please know it means more than I can say! At 60 I feel better than I did at 50…I intend to feel better than 40 soon!!




In January 1998 I came to the Maulfair Medical Center. I was very ill; I could not eat, sleep, or even think clearly. I had lost a substantial amount of weight and most days, I could not get out of bed because of severe fatigue. Dr. Maulfair gave me a questionnaire related to candida. I had 90 percent of the symptoms. I was being treated by my family doctor and had numerous tests done which showed nothing wrong. After seven months I was still sick. I returned to the Maulfair Medical Center in August 1998. I had the tests that Dr. Maulfair recommended earlier. I discovered that I not only had candida, but also food allergies which were related to my digestive problems. I began treatments of nutritional and oxidative therapy along with a special diet for candida and my food allergies. It was not always easy to stick to this regimen but everyone at the Maulfair Medical Center was caring and supportive and willing to offer help and encouragement. I am happy to report that today I feel great and have gained back my weight and my energy. I am truly grateful to Dr. Maulfair and his staff for all they have done to restore me to good health.
