What we are doing and how you can help yourself...

We are open our usual hours to offer you health care that improves your immune system. These are scary times but they are less scary when you start to understand how the body works and how much you can prevent with some effort.

For those of you who have contacted us in the past you have our recommendations on eating healthy and avoiding toxic exposures. Those two things keep your digestive system up to par as 60-70% of your immune system is in your guts. Dr. Maulfair reminds people that your digestive system and stomach should have an acid environment. Why acid? Because we ingest bacteria and viruses routinely and the acid in our stomach protects us by killing it. Very often, when people have acid reflux they have too little acid available not too much. Come to our workshops to learn more or give us call, we will send you information.

One other point, we clean our center routinely, and have for years, using a product that has microbes that eat bacteria and viruses. This is a long talk and worth the effort to try to understand as many contaminations of numerous sources can be handled. Please check out Teraganix.com and read up on Em-1 and ProEm. One for human consumption and one as a soil conditioner but also a “cleaner”. These microbes are a probiotic and eat contaminants. Call me for more information any time. You can be well. Coleen

Concerned About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Maulfair Medical Center - Coronavirus COVID-19

People at high risk of developing severe symptoms from coronavirus have weak immune systems. Those with heart disease, diabetes, auto immune disorders, and other chronic issues are most susceptible. The more of these conditions you have, the greater the likelihood of complications — not just with coronavirus — but with anything that comes along.

At the Maulfair Medical Center we specialize in health PRESERVATION, rather than disease management. "Your body heals itself, we simply assist" is not just a slogan — it's the fundamental principle of healthcare at our practice. If you're concerned about COVID-19 and your immune system, give us a call. 610.682.2104

*** Currently offering a 10% discount for our patients on IV Vitamin C ***

Response to the Critics…

It’s always disheartening to come across derogatory entries about a person or product you are interested in. We have been silent in the face of internet attacks aimed at stopping any interest or curiosity you might have about us and our very special medical center.  You can contact us for the real story direct from our patients who have experienced what we offer.  So many of our patients write success stories of many paragraphs, they want others to have the benefits they have enjoyed.  Please just ask and we will get them to you. 

Although Dr. Maulfair has been criticized by a few in the past for his choice to offer his patients the most modern treatment modalities, often avoiding the use of pharmaceuticals when possible, we find the current attacks on our work disturbing.  The internet is a wonderful tool for good but also for ill.

You may have run across entries that describe a son who murdered his mother and recordings that have been edited of phone calls to our center from overseas; altered to make us look and sound bad.

 Critics know we are bound by privacy rules we take very much to heart in our medical center.  Our patient's information is on computers that are not connected to the internet; and we only share personal health information when asked by our patients.

Regarding the situation of the son who murdered his mother we acquired a signed written permission statement to speak about it through Jeremy's attorney when it happened in 2005 or so.  A psychologist from Carnegie Mellon, who hated all church goers and churches including ours, somehow picked up the story and used it to attack Dr. Maulfair, a Christian Scientologist.  The truth of our contact with Jeremy is one visit to our office with his parents who wanted to find out, through the special diagnostic studies we use, any thing they could to help him in life.  During that visit our phlebotomist noticed needle tracks on Jeremy's arms.  His mother was given advice regarding nutrients she could offer to help him with his health in a phone consultation, but since Jeremy was 26 or so she could not convince him to return to us for help.  Six or seven months later Jeremy murdered his mother.  So was it our medical care that tied us to this sad event or was it our practice of alternative medicine or our religion?

Years later in 2017 we get a phone call inquiring about how Dr. Maulfair would treat a "friend's" autistic child.  We explained and ask the lady to have her friend contact us and we would send out usual information packet.  But there were two more calls that were disturbing as the lady was grilling us in an unusual way over the phone.  We checked the number and found it was coming from Ireland.  Funny.  Made no sense until the attacks on us over the internet started and we found that she was a Scientology critic who protested the opening of a new Church in Dublin and in her words an "activist". She had recorded the phone calls then edited them to alter our conversation.  When we checked with authorities here we found that although it is illegal in the US to secretly record someone without a warrant there was nothing we could do as she was not a citizen of the US and not subject to our laws.

As you know nothing substantial can be done to undo the slander but we do know that thoughtful people these days suspect such vehement attacks and seek to find the other side of the story so we hope this helps.

As you might know we will be happy to help a sincere person understand our work and our approach to our patient's health. 

Coleen Maulfair

Executive Director

Maulfair Medical Center

Patient Comments- A Parnership with Dr. Maulfair

April 23, 2019

Before I went to see Dr. Maulfair, I had been feeling sick for about 5 months like I've never been sick before.

I went to my mainstream medicine doctors with symptoms of fatigue, extreme dizziness, nausea, digestive issues, cloudy thinking and a very bad rash with extreme itching on my eyes, scalp and forehead. I knew I had some type of allergy. At first my dermatologist thought I had a gluten intolerance and put me on a gluten-free diet which did not help at all. In September 2019, I went to the Allentown Fair and couldn't be sure what was gluten-free, so I said to my husband "I'll have some cotton candy, that has no gluten." After eating the cotton candy, the rash got worse and I began to itch over my head, face and neck. Then a light bulb went off. It was sugar!

Now I began to do my own research and came to the conclusion that I had an overgrowth of yeast in my intestines. I put myself on "The Candida Diet" (found on the Internet) immediately. I began losing weight quite quickly. My six-month check with my primary care doctor was due so I told him what came up with. He did not say much and looked down, told me to follow-up with the dermatologist. After I told the dermatologist what I suspected and the fact that the gluten-free diet was not working, he told me it looked like I had a chemical allergy. I asked him "What about my other symptoms?". He said he did not know. He asked if I was using something new. I could not think of anything and told him no. I later realized that he was right about at least the chemical allergy.

Besides the recent symptoms I was having, for many years I had digestive issues each time I ate, including gas, bloating and at times severe diarrhea. I went to my gastroenterologist and he came up with nothing more than giving me a C-Diff test. I knew I couldn't have that, because I had it after my C-section and they hospitalized me for 2 weeks on an IV. So again, I was left on my own to try whatever might work. I stopped eating wheat products and took a Glucomannan fiber supplement which helped for a while.

I remained on the "Candida Diet", lost about 15 pounds and realized that some of the supplements I was taking were natural antifungals, causing die-off symptoms of the yeast and making me quite sick. In desperation, I left a message for my doctor requesting Nystatin or some prescription medication because I was not getting anywhere doing this myself. It was becoming difficult getting to work everyday and performing well at my job. His wife called me back stated the doctor would not give me Nystatin, "How do you know you have this?" At that point, I knew I had to look for an alternative doctor who recognizes this issue.

I believe it was divine guidance that led me to Dr. Maulfair in November 2018 who agreed with my findings and knew just how to treat it. I was so relieved. All my tests concluded that I had an overgrowth of yeast for most of my life which led to a leaky gut, dysbiosis and food intolerance I was never aware of. All of this explained so many health issues I had for years. My prayers were answered.

After 3 rounds of prescription antifungals, a vitamin and supplement regimen at home, of course "Dr. Maulfair's Candida Diet" and several months of oxidation, nutrient and glutathione infusions I was feeling so much better, but still itched and had a rash.

It occurred to me in late January that soon after I had a vinyl plank floor installed in my kitchen that all of this misery soon began. I researched this flooring and discovered that it was made from PVC, contained dioxins, phthalates and other toxins. Wow! I was going to rip out this floor for sure! With more research, I discovered a "green flooring" company who made a product that was environmentally safe. After the old floor was removed and the new one installed, what a difference! My eyes and itching cleared up. I feel so good, it is incredible!

Dr. Maulfair was so right about so many things. The idea that every part of your health is in your gut —your immune system, allergies, even your mood! That fact that your brain is connected to your gut is so true. I am living proof. With Dr. Maulfair's treatment I was able to discontinue antidepressants that I had been taking for 45 years and failed each time I tried to stop, due to withdrawal symptoms that made me so sick I could not function. This alone is a miracle! I am off all medications except for a mild blood pressure pill.

I feel tremendous after all of this. I told Dr. Maulfair at my last visit that I feel like "I can fly". My daughter is having a big wedding in June and I am so grateful to have renewed my health just in time for her big day.

— A.E.