Letter to Our Patients

We want to update you on the new situation with Dr. Maulfair. As some of you know he has been trying to handle a glyphosate poisoning and really is at the tail end of that If it goes very well. He is being helped by a toxicologist and a St.Lukes doctor.

In May of 2020 he was cleaning out some kind of floating weed attack on the damn breast of our pond, he came up for dinner and within twenty minutes his arms and hands were swelling so fast the skin broke in about 10 minutes. St. Luke's emergency physician's first comment was, "this looks like a chemical burn." They cultured his blood and serum for over a week and could not grow anything. No bacteria, no virus. So no answer and no treatment. In September he saw the black weeds under the birch tree and put them on the fire pit. Same thing, came up for dinner with arms swelling and breaking open, back to St. Lukes for IV. No answer. Later in early 2021 his chiropractor saw something he did not like on an x-ray and that resulted in a diagnosis of lymphoma. 

Many of you saw the wounds he developed frequently on arms and hands and later his face. We tested with Great Plains and found his glyphosate level off the charts. 

Now, we know, treating the lymphoma without handling the glyphosate will not work. There is some huge settled lawsuit for this very thing if you are a farmer or work in landscaping etc. So this is known. The connection is not made in standard medical treatment despite the facts. 

Our path has resulted in reducing his level of glyphosate from 4.25 to 1.45, I am not looking at the tests but that is close if not correct. 

Glyphosate affects the digestive system where all your brain chemicals are produced, he is now left with low dopamine levels which affect motor skills so he has been having trouble walking and we have high hopes this too shall pass as he has not had wounds appearing for months. 

We are searching for a physician to buy the practice that will carry on and we have a few prospects. In the meantime he will be improving and we have the remainder of January with our current staff. 

Please call me with any questions directly through the center I will try to get to messages as fast as possible. We have hopes this will work out well for all of us. 

Have high hopes, Coleen Maulfair for Conrad