functional medicine

Why we do not accept offers of others to write for us....

This is an important link we find to be key to understanding the world around us especially in medical care.

Before you leave me to go rushing off please realize that it is of key importance and we credit the website of Dr. Mercola for publishing it and pointing all of us to the way to understand what is happening in our society.

Dr. Maulfair was in his early 50’s when we married. Although my life was in alignment with his beliefs and medical advice to his patients I had no idea how brave he was. He and many other doctors like him had chosen to practice their conscience in their clinics no matter the personal attacks and threats. I listened to many doctors in conferences and around the dinner table discuss the situations. Since I agreed and lived my earlier life in alignment with these medical viewpoints I was unaware of the pressure they were under, not that they complained about that. They wanted people to have a chance to be healthy and sometimes that meant going against mainstream big medicine, big pharma. They were the ones respecting how the human body functions and what it needs and what it does not.

There are forces, people who do not want you to know how effective they are as healers and they do not want their news and ideas and experience to gain any ground in our world. Please wonder why. The best medicine is the world is understanding. Knowledge and understanding.

Coleen Maulfair

In interest of