Ep 109 - He Had Heart Disease, But Now His Arteries Are No Longer Blocked

On this Thanksgiving Day 2018, we share this story from one of our patients who gives thanks to Dr Maulfair for giving him as he says, “a new lease on life.” He went from having significant blockages and expecting to need a few stents, to essentially NO blockage at all. After a recent test, his cardiologist told him and his wife that now “he is all clear.” His wife assumed they got the wrong guy. Good news for him — they got the right guy, and indeed it was true. He no longer has coronary artery disease. His cardiologist realized this must be due to the chelation therapy program he follows.

How many countless people give thanks for their health? And how many others would give anything to have health once again? It is possible. We’re here for you. Happy Thanksgiving.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

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